Rate Guru

Get the edge over your competition

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What do we offer?

Rate Shopping

Visualize your competition’s pricing against your own for each day of the month

Rate Parity

Check your hotel’s online rate disparity with a detailed rate breakup & reason

Daily Rate Shopper Report

daily 7 day rate intelligence report, giving you feedback on rate parity and how your prices compare to hotels that compete in your market segment.

What makes us different?

Interact with graphs

Our interactive graphs not just look stunning, but they deliver valuable insights as well


Download all the data you see to Excel reports for a detailed statistical analysis of your hotel’s market competitiveness through our rate shopper

Fetch live rates

Online rates constantly change during the day, stay up to date with market pricing through our rate shopper

Analyze year round prices

Access market prices for all 365 days of the year including peak season, holidays & events through our rate shopper

Rate Guru Q&A

Rate Guru is a new service offered by Hoteliers Guru.